Ab fig. 9, Fig.7 fig.8, Maintenance – Sealey SAC82425VLN User Manual

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5. mAiNTeNANce

in order to keep the compressor in good working condition, periodic maintenance is essential.

imporTANT! Failure to carry out maintenance tasks may invalidate the warranty on your


wArNiNG! before performing any maintenance operation, switch off compressor, disconnect

from power supply and vent air from tank. remove front and rear panels to provide access

and light.

5.1 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT AFTer THe FirsT 5 worKiNG HoUrs:

5.1.1 check that all nuts/bolts are tight, particularly those retaining the crankcase and cylinder heads.

5.2 operations to be carried out after the first 100 working hours:

5.2.1 replace the lubricating oil (see 5.9. below).

5.3 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT DAiLY:

5.3.1 regularly clean dirt and dust away from the safety devices with a clean cloth or blowing with low pressure . .

compressed air. Generally keep the compressor clean.

5.4 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT weeKLY:


Drain condensation by opening the valve located under the tank of sAc89024VLn (fig.7) or the bottom of the front panel on

sAc82425VLn (fig.6G). Place a container under the valve to collect any condensation, as it may contain residual oil.

close valve after draining condensation and dispose of it safely.

5.5 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT moNTHLY: sAc89025vLN

(or more frequently, if the compressor operates in a very dusty atmosphere)


clean the air filters. turn off the compressor and using stored air from it's tank, clean the filters with compressed air. the top cover

of sAc89025VLn needs to be removed. remove the air filter assembly by removing the single phillips screw.

imporTANT! Wear eye protection and Do NoT direct air towards the body or hands. Do NoT operate the compressor without the

filters as foreign bodies or dust could seriously damage the pump. replace the filter elements.

5.6 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT everY 50 HoUrs: sAc82425vLN

(or more frequently, if the compressor operates in a very dusty atmosphere)


clean the air filters. turn off the compressor and using stored air from it's tank, clean the filters with compressed air. Both side

panels of sAc89025VLn need to be removed. remove the air filter assembly by removing the single phillips screw.

imporTANT! Wear eye protection and Do NoT direct air towards the body or hands. Do NoT operate the compressor without the

filters as foreign bodies or dust could seriously damage the pump. replace the filter elements.

5.7 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT everY 100 HoUrs:

5.7.1 check oil level, top up if necessary, one of the side panels on sAc89025VLn will need to be removed to check the oil level.

5.7.2 check for oil leaks.

5.8 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT everY 200 HoUrs:

5.8.1 check the automatic cut-out at maximum pressure, and the automatic cut-in at 2 bar below maximum pressure.

5.8.2 replace air filters (see 5.5 / 5.6).

5.9 operATioNs To be cArrieD oUT everY 500 HoUrs:

5.9.1 replace the lubricating oil.

remove the oil breather plug/dipstick then remove oil drain bolt (fig.8), draining oil into a suitable container. Drain when the

compressor is hot if possible, so that the oil drains rapidly and completely.

NoTe! for sAc89025vLN its recommended to use a suction oil drainer, due to the design of the compressor, space around the drain plug is

minimal. incline compressor to ensure complete drainage. replace oil drain bolt and refill with fresh oil through the oil filler/breather

aperture (fig.8).

Do NoT overfill. replace oil breather plug/dipstick.

recommended oils:

synthetic oil suitable for temperatures ranging from -5°c to 45°c: viscosity 5W50. We do not recommend using mineral oil in these


Part no. Qty. Description


1ltr x 12 compressor oil fully synthetic

fso1s 1ltr x 1 compressor oil fully synthetic


5ltr x 1 compressor oil fully synthetic

wArNiNG! Dispose of waste oil only in accordance with local authority requirements.

5.10. imporTANT wArNiNG - Air contaminants taken into the compressor will affect optimum performance. Example: Body filler dust or paint

overspray will clog the pump intake filter and may cause internal damage to pump/motor components. Please note that any parts

damaged by any type of contamination will not be covered by warranty.



Original Language Version

sAc89025VLn, sAc82425VLn issue: 2 - 22/02/12



fig. 9

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