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The SCOTT INSTRUMENTS MINI-SA has an audible alarm which is acti-
vated when any of the following conditions occurs:
The preset gas alarm level is exceeded (ALARM)
The Time Weighted Average (TWA) is exceeded
The Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is exceeded
The battery is exhausted
The sensor is missing or incompatible
In addition, each time the instrument is turned ON, the audible alarm will
pulse three times.
The following describes the function of the Audible Alarm during the alarm
conditions listed above:
GAS ALARM – The Audible Alarm sounds when a gas concentration is de-
tected that exceeds the chosen alarm level, or when a TWA or STEL alarm
value is exceeded. A repetitive pulsing tone will occur at one (1) second
intervals while the alarm condition exists.
In the LATCHING alarm mode, selected in the Alarm Setpoint Menu, after an
alarm condition has cleared, the alarm indication will continue until the alarm
is acknowledged by depressing a pushbutton. In the NON-LATCHING alarm
mode, all alarm indications clear when the alarm condition clears. In either
mode, the instrument gives an “all clear” signal with three audible beeps,
three flashes of the Red Alarm Light, and three vibration pulses when the
alarm indication is cleared.
When an Audible Alarm sounds, depressing either pushbutton on the instru-
ment will silence the Audible Alarm for thirty (30) seconds. If the original
alarm condition still exists after the thirty (30) second silence period, the
Audible Alarm will sound again. The Audible Alarm can be silenced repeat-
edly by depressing a pushbutton.
LOW BATTERY – An Audible Alarm tone will pulse once every fifteen (15)
seconds to indicate when less than 10% of battery life remains.
MISSING SENSOR – The Audible Alarm for a missing or incompatible sen-
sor is identical to the pulsing one (1) second tone that occurs during an
ALARM condition. Depressing a pushbutton to acknowledge the condition
turns the unit OFF.