Understanding the needs of your business – Emerson Nform And Interface Products User Manual

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Getting Critical Information
Into The Right Hands

Business runs on information.

That information, however, must be

managed and protected. Liebert

offers the tools to keep the people

on the front line — such as IT,

network, data center and facility

managers — informed as to the

status of their critical systems. By

utilizing a network infrastructure

approach to monitoring, Liebert

has the solutions that align a

customer's needs for real-time

knowledge and system flexibility

with critical system uptime and

capital allocation constraints.

This type of system can provide

the information you need to

manage your critical equipment,

giving you a variety of ways to

receive and manage this

data — through computers at

your site or even on the web via

standard browser software.

From the traditional centralized

data center to constantly evolving

distributed network topologies,

Liebert has the solutions that

provide just the right amount of

control, monitoring, and protection

for your critical space requirements.

The Importance Of Support
System Monitoring

The reliability of your computing

and communications systems is
a direct result of the reliability of the
power and environmental systems
that help maintain their proper
operation. That's why Liebert is so
firmly committed to providing
monitoring capability in our
products. No one knows more about
what it takes to collect and deliver
the vital information you need to
manage your critical support systems.

To protect your critical business systems, it is important that

we first understand how you and your customers utilize these

resources. Knowing how your network is used allows us to

design system protection that addresses your real world needs.

To maintain the high level of availability that users expect, your

monitoring system must be able to keep you up-to-date on

any changes in the condition of your network infrastructure.

Understanding The Needs
Of Your Business

Proper power protection and
environmental control is essential
for your network components:

Printer servers

Database servers

File servers

E-mail servers

Web servers



Your Network Has Many Points That
Must Be Protected

Your customers have
expectations of the level
of system availability you
can provide.