Kichler 10570 User Manual

Wiring module for use only with kichler, Cabinet lighting

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Safety InStructIonS

read thIS fIrSt

Keep theSe InStructIonS

This fixture is intended for installation in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC) and local code specifications.

Failure to adhere to these codes and instructions may result in serious injury and/or property damage and will void the warranty.

If you have any doubts concerning installation, contact a qualified licensed electrician.

Date Issued: 8/29/08



turn off power.

2. On one side of wire module there are two gates. Feed

through gate approximately 5 inches of Type NM

non-metallic sheathed cable 12-2 with ground, or 14-2

with ground only. NOTE: These gates serve as strain

reliefs holding cable securely in place. Gates should not

be removed and no more then one cable should go

through each.

3. Peel back jacket on cable to within one inch of inside of


4. Strip approximately 1/2 inch of insulation off each black

and white wire. NOTE: On inside of wire module cover is

a gauge to assist in stripping the correct amount of


5. Pushed stripped wires into the appropriate connector:.

black to black

white to white

bare wire to green

Slightly tug on each wire to insure connection has been

made and is secure.

6. Push wire module to mounting surface of cabinet (as

close to wall as possible) allowing excess cable to feed

back into wall. Secure wire module in place using

provided screws. It may be necessary to drill 1/16”

maximum pilot holes.

7. Push wires and connectors inside wire module. We

suggest pushing each connector towards a different

corner of wire module.

8. Slip legs on wire module cover into slots inside wire

module and until cover snaps in place.

9. Snap connector cover(s) over connector(s) not being used.

10. At this time proceed to fixture installation following

instructions provided with fixture.

11. To remove cover, slide screwdriver into slot formed by

cover and wire module then pull screwdriver handle away

from wire module until cover separates from wire module.

wIrInG ModuLe for uSe onLy

wIth KIchLer


caBInet LIGhtInG











