Fcc caution – Edimax Technology 802.11g User Manual

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Fe deral Communication Commission

Inte rference Statement

This equipmen t has been tested and found to compl y wi th the l imits fo r a
Class B digi ta l de vi ce , pu rsuant to Part 15 o f FCC Rul es. These l imits are
design ed to pro vide reasonable p ro te ction agai nst ha rmful in te rference in a
residen tial ins talla ti on . Th is equ ipment g enerates, uses, and can ra dia te radio
frequen cy en erg y and , i f no t insta lled and used in a ccorda nce w ith th e
ins tru ctions , ma y cause ha rmful in te rference to radio communica tions .
How e ve r, there is no gua ran tee tha t in te rference w ill no t occu r in a parti cula r
ins talla ti on . If this equipmen t does cause ha rmful i nterfe rence to radio or
tele vision recep ti on , which can be d etermined b y turni ng the equipmen t o ff
an d on , th e user is en cou raged to try to co rre ct the in terfe ren ce b y one or
more o f the foll owing measures :

1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the

receiver is connected.

4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio technician for help.

FCC Caution

This equipmen t must be ins talled a nd ope ra ted in a cco rdan ce wi th p ro vi ded
ins tru ctions and a minimum 5 cm spacin g must b e pro vided b etween
computer moun ted an ten na and pe rson’s bo d y (e xcludin g e xtremities o f
ha nds, w rist and fee t) during wi reless modes o f op era tio n.

This de vice complies w ith Pa rt 1 5 of the FCC R ules. Ope ra tion is subject to
the foll owing two condi tio ns: (1 ) this d e vi ce ma y no t ca use ha rmfu l
in te rference , an d (2 ) th is de vice must a ccep t an y in te rference recei ve d,
in clud ing in te rferen ce tha t ma y ca use un desired op era tio n.

An y changes or modi fi ca tions no t e xp ressl y app ro ve d b y the pa rty responsible
fo r complian ce could void the au tho ri ty to ope ra te equ ipment.

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure Statement

This equipmen t complies wi th FCC radia ti on e xp osure set fo rth fo r an
un con trolled e n vi ronmen t. In o rde r to a voi d th e possibility o f e xceedi ng the
FCC radio frequen cy e xposure l imits, h uman p ro ximity to th e an tenna shall
no t be l ess th an 20cm (8 i nches) d urin g normal ope ra tion .