1 wpa security settings – Edimax Technology 802.11g User Manual

Page 20

background image

tha t

Allow A sso ciation to Mixed Cell s

i s c hec ked on the

S ecu rit y


to allow a sso ciation.

Pr e- Shar ed
Key (Static

Enable s the u se of p re -sha red key s tha t a re de fined on bo th th e
a cce ss p oint and the station.

To define p re-sha red en c ryp tion ke y s, c hoo se the

Pre -Sh ared Ke y

radio but ton and clic k th e

Configu re

but ton to fill in the

De fine

P re -Sha red Key s window.

I f the ac ce ss point tha t the wirele ss adapte r i s a sso ciating to ha s
WEP set to Optional and the client ha s WEP en abled, ma ke sure
tha t

Allow A sso ciation to Mixed Cell s

i s c hec ked on the

S ecu rit y


to allow a sso ciation.


No secu rit y (not re commended ).

3 .4 .1 WPA Sec ur ity Se ttings

EAP Security

To use EAP security, access the Security tab in Profile Management.

1. In the ACU, edit the security settings by clicking New or Modify on the

Profile Management tab.

2. Choose a profile to edit, or name the new profile in the Profile

Management window. Enter the SSID of the access point the station

connects to.

3. On the Security tab, choose the WPA radio button.

OR: On the Security tab, choose the 802.1x radio button.

4. Choose EAP-TLS or EAP-TTLS from the drop-down menu