Overwriting an existing static wep key, Disabling static wep, Verwriting an – Edimax Technology 802.11g User Manual

Page 29: Xisting, Tatic, Isabling, Overwriting an existing static w ep key, Disabling static w ep

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c onfigu ration secu rity . At lea st one Sha red Key field mu st be
populated to ena ble se cu rity u sing a sha red key .

Cli c k o n the radio button to set the key a s t he default

en cryption key .

WEP Key Size

Define s the size fo r eac h enc ryption key . The option s include:


64 - bit (e nte r 10 digit s fo r h exade cimal, 5 AS CI I

c haracte rs)


128 - bit (ente r 26 digit s fo r hexade cimal, 13

digit s fo r AS CI I )


152 -bit (en ter 32 digit s hexa decimal, 16 digit s

fo r AS CII )




for the changes to take effect.

Overwriting an Existing Static W EP Key


Cli c k the

Define P re -Sha red Key s

radio bu tton on the

S ecu rit y tab



Cli c k o n

Configu re



In the windo w, all e xi sting static WEP key s a re di splayed a s a ste ri sks fo r secu rity
rea son s. Clic k in th e field of the exi sting st atic WE P ke y t o ove rwrite.


Delete t he a ste ri sks in th at field.


En ter a ne w key.


Ma ke su re to select the

T ran smit K ey

bu tton to the left o f thi s ke y i s selec ted fo r the

ke y to t ran smit pac ket s.


Cli c k



Disabling Static W EP

To di sable sta tic WEP fo r a pa rticular p rofile, choo se


on t he P rofile

Management tab and clic k



O R: Select any othe r secu rit y option on the Pro file Management t ab to automatically

di sable sta tic WEP .