Operation (fig. 1-9), Using as a bench-type circular saw, On/off switch (fig. 4) – Powerplus POW8041 MITRE SAW +UPPER TABLE 1200W 210MM EN User Manual
Page 8: Adjusting the cutting depth (fig. 2), Making longitudinal cuts (slitting) (fig. 4), Pow8041 en, 7operation (fig. 1-9)

Copyright © 2014 VARO
P a g e
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Place the lower saw blade cover (14) on the rotary table (8), making sure that the two rear
feet of the cover latch securely behind the stop rail (7).
Press the release button (1) and lower the machine head by the handle (2) until the lower
saw blade guard (14) completely covers the blade
Insert the retaining p*n (23) in order to fix the saw in the lower position. This also redirects
the power supply from switch (3) to switch (4).
Undo the locking nut (15) and lower the saw table (16) to the required cutting depth.
Re-fix the locking nut (15).
When toe saw table (16) is lowered it blocks the retaining pin (23) with the locking fork
(24) so that the pin cannot be pulled out.
The saw is now ready for use again in bench-type circular saw mode.
After every change of setting we recommend that you make a test cut in order to check the
new dimensions.
Using as a bench-type circular saw
Convert the saw to bench-type circular saw mode (see 6.2.2.). Be careful when starting the cut.
On/Off switch (Fig. 4)
To switch on the saw, press the green button (a). Wait for the blade to reach its maximum
speed before starting the cut.
To switch off the saw. press the red button (b).
Adjusting the cutting depth (Fig. 2)
Slacken the locking nut (15) and move the saw table {16) to the required sawing depth.
The blade (5) should project a few mm out of the workpiece.
Re-fix the locking nut (15).
Making longitudinal cuts (slitting) (Fig. 4)
Undo the knurled screw (25} and set the cross and parallel stop (18) to 90*. Re-fix the
screw (25).
Insert the parallel stop (18) from the right into the front slot of the saw table (16).
Undo the two knurled screws (26). Slide the stop rail (27) forward to a pint above the
middle of the blade (5) and fix in place.
Using the scale {c) on the saw table (16): set the parallel stop (18) to the required
dimension and clamp in place with the locking screw (28).
Switch on the saw by pressing the green button (a).
Slowly and precisely slide the workpiece forward along the parallel stop (18) to the blade
The upper blade guard (17) opens automatically when you slide the workpiece forward.
For workpieces of less than 120 mm in width it is imperative to use the
supplied push stick (29) in the area of the blade (5) (sec Fig. 5). For
workpieces of less than 3D mm in width it is imperative to use a push block
(d) to move the workpiece forward. (see Fig. 6) There is no push block
supplied with your saw! Ask your specialized dealer.