Casio BE-300 Viewing Photographs on CASSIOPEIA User Manual
Page 2

[ Viewing photographs on CASSIOPEIA ]
Wait for the synchronization symbol, shown in the red circle below, to appear on the
screen of the CASSIOPEIA.
If the synchronization symbol does not appear after a short period of time, reconnect
the USB cable to the USB port on the PC and reconnect the CASSIOPEIA to the
(3) Begin installing the Photo Viewer software onto CASSIOPEIA.
Insert the CASSIOPEIA Software Applications CD-ROM into the computer's
CD-ROM drive.
This software can be installed only into CASSIOPEIA main memory. It cannot be
installed onto a CF card.
(4) The following window should automatically appear on the computer screen. If the
window does not appear after waiting for a short period of time, use File Explorer to
view the contents of the CD-ROM and double-click the "menu.exe" file in the file list.