Casio XJ-UT310WN Network Function Guide User Manual

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Network Function Overview........................................... 7

What the network function lets you do... ...............................................7

Software Required to Use Network Functions.......................................8

Scope of this Manual’s Content .................................................................................. 8

Projecting Computer Screen Contents Over a LAN
Connection ...................................................................... 9

Workflow from LAN Connection to Projection .......................................9

Connecting the Wireless Adapter to the Projector...............................10

Establishing a Direct Wireless LAN Connection
between the Projector and a Computer ...............................................11

Wireless LAN Connection Overview .......................................................................... 11

Using a Projector Built-in SSID (Simple or Generic)
to Establish a Wireless LAN Connection ................................................................... 12

To use a projector simple connection SSID
to establish a wireless LAN connection and project .............................................. 12
To use a projector generic SSID to establish a wireless LAN connection
and project ............................................................................................................. 15

Using a User SSID to Establish a Wireless LAN Connection .................................... 18

To create a user SSID............................................................................................. 19
To use a user SSID to establish a wireless LAN connection and project .............. 22

Connecting the Projector to an Outside Network without Terminating
a Direct Wireless LAN Connection with a Computer ................................................. 25

To connect the projector to a wireless LAN access point
without terminating a direct wireless LAN connection with a computer ................ 26
To establish a wired LAN connection between the projector
and a router while maintaining a direct wireless connection
between the projector and a computer .................................................................. 28

Establishing a Connection between the Projector
and Computer Via a Wireless LAN Access Point .................................29

Connection Overview................................................................................................. 29

Connection Procedures ............................................................................................. 30

To connect the projector to a wireless LAN access point...................................... 30
To establish a connection between the projector and computer
and project via a wireless LAN access point.......................................................... 33