Features, Linplug relectro user manual page 5 – LinPlug relectro User Manual

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The LinPlug relectro has a range of exciting features:


A unique audio processing algorithm, specially designed for processing
drum sounds and loops


The effect's sound can be continuously morphed between dry and wet
output in real-time using any (MIDI or host) controller


The input section provides the ability to change the volume and
frequency content of the input signal


A delay can be applied to thicken the input signal


The main processing section contains:

• A compressor / expander-like effect
• A cut-filter with infinite edge steepness
• A comprehensive pitch modulation section that enables control of

relative pitch, pitch-fixing of the input, and inversion of the pitch
following of the input signal

• variable wave repeat
• variable waveform replacement
• A two-band EQ-like section


The main modulation section contains:

• Two LFOs
• Two modulation step sequencers
• A Modulation Matrix with pitch-tracking and volume-tracking


Output section with additional HP and LP Filters and Chorus


Two control wheels for dry/wet blending and dry/wet morphing


Effects presets are stored directly on disk


MIDI program change supported


MIDI Learn, settings can be saved and restored

LinPlug relectro user manual

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