LinPlug relectro User Manual

Page 18

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you feed into relectro. In this case, shift your audio by one or more bars to
align it the way you want it.

The MATRIX is where you can make use of the LFOs or STEP
MODULATION as well as other modulation sources, be it from the relectro
engine or from MIDI controller to create user-defined modulation routings.

On the left you find the Modulation Sources, in the mid the Modulation
Depth and on the right the Modulation target.
The Modulation sources are either from the relectro audio engine (Pitch-
follow and Volume-follow), the MIDI which is received from the host
software (your daw software like Logic or Cubase) and relectro’s
modulators (STEP MODULATION and LFO). These are described in detail
in appendix B. Finally there is also the Constant modulation source which
comes handy sometimes to try which maximum effect a certain modulation
might reach (Constant is always the maximum possible positive
modulation value; the same as in example the LFO has when its wave is at
its maximum) .
To remove a modulation source or destination select the "- - - - -" entry in
the menu, this modulation is then inactive.

The Modulation Depth determines how much a certain Target is modulated
by the Source; a value of 0.0000 means that actually no modulation takes
places. To change the modulation depth click on the amount display and
move the mouse (while keeping the mouse button pressed) upwards or
downwards (increasing or decreasing the value) until the desired amount
has been reached. The further you move the mouse, the less sensitive it
gets, allowing more drastic changes. To temporary disable a modulation,
double click the Depth value (it will become 0.0000). To restore the original
Depth, double click it again and it will jump back to its original value.

LinPlug relectro user manual

Page 18