Welcome, Linplug relectro user manual page 2 – LinPlug relectro User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing a LinPlug relectro license or trying the demo.

The LinPlug relectro is a specialised effects plugin designed for creatively
modifying drum loops and samples and converting them into unique and
unusual electronic-sounding drums.

The LinPlug relectro's key features are a unique audio engine, a wide
range of possible effects, and an ability to morph between dry and wet
sounds. It comes with a large number of presets, however its vast creative
potential requires you to “play” it more like a conventional musical
instrument. Its easy-to-use interface and numerous processing and
modulation options invite you to create highly original beats.

This manual describes all aspects of the LinPlug relectro effects plugin and
is designed so that your use of this software is as efficient and as
pleasurable as possible. Appendix D also contains a quick reference, in
case you don't want to bother with the details.

We feel that the LinPlug relectro is exceptional because of its unique audio
processing features, and especially because it can turn even the most
boring beats into something different and exciting. We are confident that
you will get a lot of pleasure using the LinPlug relectro and that it will
become an inspirational part of your beat-making.

The LinPlug team, September 2011

Copyright: LinPlug V.I. GmbH, Germany, 2011, All rights reserved.

relectro is made by (alphabetic order) : Branislav, Pavol and Peter
Many thanks to the helping hands of (alphabetic order) : Chris, Christian,
Ed, Frank, Jim, Len, Marco, Matthias, Mirko, Nils and Sean

All technical specifications of the products specified in this manual may be subject to change

without notice. The documents may not be changed, especially copyright notices may not be

removed or changed. relectro is a trademark of LinPlug Virtual Instruments GmbH. LinPlug is

a trademark of LinPlug Virtual Instruments GmbH. VST is a registered trademark of Steinberg

Media Technologies GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

LinPlug relectro user manual

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