LinPlug relectro User Manual
Page 23

If you are curious what parameters are actually affected by the AMT wheel,
here is a graphic illustrating just this:
You don’t have to learn this or print and pin it on your wall, its just if you are
curious how things work under the hood.
Above the AMT dial is a CAMERA symbol. Thats the snapshot function. At
times you may find a cool and useful sound while moving the AMT wheel.
Maybe you want to save as a new preset, or just go on from this particular
Clicking on the Snapshot icon, then relectro recalculates all parameters, so
that they produce just this sound, but at the AMT wheel fully up. So what
you will see is all parameters moving a bit towards their neutral position and
the AMT wheel going fully up. The sound remains just as you heard it
LinPlug relectro user manual
Page 23