LinPlug relectro User Manual

Page 15

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Next is the Wave section which has two main functions, to repeat waves
and to replace them.
First the REPEAT control: Cycles from the Audio stream can be repeated;
however, repeating all cycles would of course only result in a terrible noise.
Thus the relectro repeats the first cycle it detects as long as it detects no
cycle with higher volume. If either the amount of repeats (determined by the
REPEAT slider) or a louder cycle is detected, relectro will play back the
next cycle, again repeating it for a while.
The REPEAT slider has an enormous range, while on the bottom its
gradually starting to repeat a cycle at all, at top it repeats it for almost a
second (which is a long time for a single cycle to repeat).
So when you have kick drum sound, relectro will let pass the first transients
until the kick reached full volume and the repeat the loudest wave-cycle of
the kick for the time the kick is sounding. This gives some pretty thick (and
often sick) sounds.

The WAVE-REPLACE however does a quite simple but sonically interesting
job, every wave-cycle can gradually be replaced with the chosen waveform.
You can select one of many waveforms from the waveform name (which
turns into a menu once you click it) or by browsing with the arrow files
through the available waveforms. There is no rule of thumb, you need to try
which waveform does a well replacement for certain audio material. You
can try to use bright waveforms with rather dark audio material and dark
waveforms with bright audio but often the opposite might work as good.

LinPlug relectro user manual

Page 15