Filter/dripwell maintenance, Diaphragm replacement, Internal seal replacement – Jordan Valve Mark 695 Series - Piloted Tank Blanketing Regulator User Manual
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Mark 695 Series Tank Blanketing Valve
1. Separate the main body (1) from the pilot body (2).
Remove and discard the pilot body / main body o-
ring (34).
2. Remove the main plug assembly (3), main plug
return spring (39), and the spring spacer (18). Re-
move and discard the main piston o-ring (5) from the
main piston (3).
3. Refer to section “B”. Remove screw (42) and lock-
washer (41) from the main piston. Remove the main
plug (6) and replace the main plug o-ring (33).
Replace main plug (6), lockwasher (41), and screw
(42). Replace the main piston o-ring (5).
10. Place the plug assembly back on its seat in the main
body. Place the spacer (18) and the return spring
(39) into the main plug assembly.
11. Replace the pilot body / main body o-ring (34).
Place the pilot body (2) back onto the main body (1).
Reconnect the tubing at points (A) and (B).
12. Retrieve the pilot plug assembly (4)(17)(30) from
step 4 above. Separate the components and discard
the pilot rolling diaphragm (17).
13. Rebuild the pilot plug assembly using a new rolling
diaphragm from the repair kit. Make sure the “bead”
on the rolling diaphragm faces the pilot piston (30)
as shown in Detail ‘A” on the parts diagram. Install
the new the pilot plug o-ring (29) onto the pilot plug
14. Install the two new pilot body inner o-rings (31).
15. Place the pilot lower cage back into the pilot body
bore. Place the pilot return spring (40) into the pilot
lower cage.
16. Place the pilot plug assembly into the pilot lower
cage, making sure the “bead” on the pilot rolling dia-
phragm goes into the groove on the top of the pilot
lower cage (7).
17. Install the pilot upper cage (8) into the pilot body (2),
making sure the stem of the pilot plug (4) is visible
through the top of the pilot upper cage. Install a new
pilot upper cage o-ring (32).
18. Replace the teflon gasket (13), and place the lower
case (9) onto the top of the teflon gasket. Secure the
lower case to the pilot body and the main body with
four HHCS (28) and four new threadseal washers
Return to Section I above and reassemble in reverse
Filter/Dripwell Maintenance
Please refer to the documentation for the filter/dripwell
that was supplied with your valve for periodic recom-
mended maintenance of this accessory.
Diaphragm Replacement
Parts Required for this operation: seal washer (27),
diaphragm (11), two actuator case gaskets (21), and
closing cap o-ring (45).
1. Remove closing cap (12). Remove and discard
closing cap o-ring (45).
2. Mark position of adjusting screw (25) where it meets
the jam nut (26).
3. Slightly loosen the jam nut (26) and remove the
adjusting screw (25), leaving the jam nut in position.
4. Remove actuator case bolts and washers (23)(35)
(36). Remove upper actuator case assembly (16).
5. Remove the upper spring guide (20) and range
spring (38). Remove the diaphragm assembly (15).
6. Remove and discard the upper and lower actuator
case gaskets (21).
7. Remove the diaphragm retaining nut (22) from the
diaphragm assembly. Remove the upper diaphragm
plate (15), diaphragm (11), lower diaphragm plate
(14), and discard the seal washer (27).
If replacing only the diaphragm, reassemble in reverse
order using new replacement parts. If replacing internal
seals or other parts, continue to section below.
Internal Seal Replacement
Parts Required for this operation: Jordan Valve seal kit
consisting of the following parts: teflon sheet gasket (13),
pilot upper cage o-ring (32), two pilot body inner o-rings
(31), pilot plug o-ring (29), rolling diaphragm-pilot (17),
pilot body/main body o-ring (34), main piston o-ring (5),
main plug o-ring (33), and four threadseal washers (43).
1. Remove the four HHCS (28), discard the threadseal
washers (43), and lift off the actuator lower case (9).
2. Remove and discard the flat teflon gasket (13). Re-
move and discard the pilot upper cage o-ring (32).
3. Firmly grasp the stem of the pilot plug (4) and pull
the pilot upper cage (8) out of the pilot body (2).
Remove the pilot plug return spring (40) and the pilot
lower cage (7) from the pilot body (2).
4. Remove the pilot plug assembly (4)(17)(30) from the
pilot upper cage.
5. Referring to the tubing connection inset, disconnect
the tubing at points (A) and (B).
6. Remove and discard the two pilot body inner o-rings