ShoreLand'r TA0131 User Manual


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Midwest Industries, Inc.

Ida Grove, IA 51445



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Tongue Harness Retro Kit for 95/150 Aluminum Trailers

The new wire harness for the SL95AL and SL150AL trailers is designed so there is a positive ground system (white wire) that is connected

directly to the actuator eliminating any grounding through the frame to operate the actuator. The lights for the trailer still rely on the trailer

frame for its grounding.


Remove the following from the trailer:

• Remove the boat from the trailer.

• Mark the winch post where it is located on

the tongue. It will be mounted in the same

position once the retro kit has been com-

pletely assembled. Remove the winch

post assembly.

• Remove the two battery boxes from the

side frame of the trailer.

• Remove the lids from the battery boxes,

disconnect the wires from the batteries.

• Remove the mounting screw that secures

the breakaway switch to the tongue.

Installation of the Wire Harness

• Locate the main wire harness coming

out the front of the tongue. It has the ¾”

black shield. Push it into the front of the

tongue so there won’t be any pressure

on the wire harness as it is pulled back-

wards into the tongue.

• Pull the wire harness out the hole in the

top of the tongue located directly behind

where the two side frames meet each

other above the tongue.

• Pull on the wire harness until approxi-

mately 8” of the black shield extends out

the hole.

• Cut the blue, black and white wires ap-

proximately 2” behind the black shield.

• Unplug the two wires from the break-

away switch and mark with tape to iden-

tify for future connections.

• Unplug the violet and blue wire from the

tongue harness. Cut the wire leads from

the BrakeRite actuator at the butt-splic-

es. Remove these wires from the trailer

tongue and frame, then discard. Cut the

white ground wire also. Remove the

ground ring that secured with one of the

mounting bolts. The BrakeRite actuator

will be connected with the new wire har-

ness being installed.

• Locate the red, yellow and green wires

that have the male bullet plugs on them.

These wires power the lights on the trail-

er. Disconnect the plugs, secure wires

so that they will not slip back into the

hole in the top of the tongue. They will

be reconnected later.

• Disconnect the brown front side marker

lights by unplugging the connection.

• Disconnect the white ground wire from

the tongue by removing the screw in the

white grounding ring.

Making the Wire Connections at the Top

of the Tongue

• Locate a 6” section of the ¾” heat shrink

tube. Slide it over the end of the black

shield until the heat shrink tube is totally

on the black shielding.

• Strip the ends of the blue, black, and

white wires approximately 3/8”.

• Locate the new section of wire harness

with the plastic loom. It has a tee located

closer to one end than the other. Inside

the plastic loom are three colored wires,

blue, black and white.

• Mate the blue to blue, black to black,

and white to white wires with those just

stripped on the existing section of wire

harness. Connect together by crimping

the butt connectors already attached to

the wires of the new wire harness sec-


• Locate the two black wires from the

breakaway switch that were marked

with tape. Cut the plugs off the ends of

the wires and strip the ends 3/8”. Con-

nect one of the wires to the violet wire

of the new wire harness and the other to

the black wire of the new wire harness.

• Heat the shrink connections with a heat

gun or other means making sure the

wires are not overheated causing the

coating to melt.

• Once all of the above connections have

been sealed, slide the ¾” shrink tube over

all of the connections so they are located

in the center of the ¾” shrink tube. The

three trailer light leads should extend out

past the end of the shrink tube.

• One end of the shrink tube should be lo-

cated on the black cable shield while the

other end is on the plastic loom of the

new harness. Heat the shrink tube with a

heat gun or alternate source of heat. Do

not overheat.