Measuring with the qc100 – HEIDENHAIN ND 1100 User Manual

Page 22

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Chapter 2



The QC100 performs very precise dimensional measurements. Part
measurement is a simple process that includes positioning and
securing the part for measurement, establishing a datum and prob-
ing the part by targeting data points. The measurement result is
displayed on the DRO screen and can be printed or sent to a com-

Once a datum has been established, points can be



measured by


the desired physical point on the part ge-

ometry using crosshairs or by sensing the part with a touch-probe.
Crosshairs are targeted over a point by moving the part in the
stage. When a touch-probe is used, the probe is placed in con-
tact with the part and indicates the part surface displacement as
the part is moved. In either case, displacement information is
displayed continuously on the DRO screen.





This guide will refer to the process of a measuring point as

This guide will refer to the process of a measuring point as

This guide will refer to the process of a measuring point as

This guide will refer to the process of a measuring point as

This guide will refer to the process of a measuring point as

targeting a point

targeting a point

targeting a point

targeting a point

targeting a point






probing a feature

probing a feature

probing a feature

probing a feature

probing a feature

independent of the

independent of the

independent of the

independent of the

independent of the

method and hardware used.

method and hardware used.

method and hardware used.

method and hardware used.

method and hardware used.

The locations of probed or targeted points are always referred to
an absolute datum point or origin. The absolute datum coordi-
nates are 0,0. The absolute datum can be set to any physical
point on or off the part being measured by pressing Zero axes
keys on the front panel. Setting the absolute datum and orienting
the axes establishes a reference frame within which a second (in-
cremental) datum can be defined for incremental measurements.

The datums can be zeroed using the Zero axes keys or can be set
to non-zero values that are entered from the numeric keypad us-
ing the Preset function.

Presetting a datum is useful when measurements are made from a
known part coordinate such as a point specified by a part draw-

Measuring with the

Probing and targeting
