Grass Valley NV96xxV Windows v.1.7 User Manual
Page 15

NV96xx Virtual Panels
Windows Setup Guide
Set Font Size...
Use this command to select the text size for your virtual panel. The command presents a dialog
having these choices:
The panel retains its selected font size from session to session.
Set to Default Size
Use this command to restore the virtual panel to its default size.
The panel retains its screen position and its size (whether default or not) from session to session.
Always On Top
If you mark the ‘Always On Top’ checkbox, the virtual panel is always displayed in front of every
other window on your Windows “desktop.”
If you have more than one designated “always on top,” the panel you are actively using is in front
of the others.
The panel retains its “always on top” setting from session to session.
Show Frameless Next Time
If you mark the ‘Show Frameless Next Time’ checkbox, the virtual panel is displayed without its
Windows frame, and slightly smaller, the next time you start the panel. The option remains set
until you change it.
When the checkbox is unmarked, the virtual panel has a Windows frame with Windows controls.
Allow Auto Reconnect
If you mark the ‘Allow Auto Reconnect’ checkbox, the virtual panel reconnects to the router
control system automatically (on startup). You will have to assign new and unique panel IDs to
every instance before you connect it.
The panel ID of any control panel anywhere in a router control system must be unique.
Use this command to connect a virtual panel to the router control system.