Pyramid probes: new core inspection – Cascade Microtech Pyramid Probes User Manual
Page 8

PN 153-690-3
Pyramid Probes: New Core Inspection • 8
4. Inspect the core using the 50x objective. The primary goal at this magnification is to inspect the surface of the probe tip.
Inspection Area
Probe Tips
Is there any organic buildup or fibers on tips?
New cores should have no debris or fibers
on the surface of the probe tips.
To remove contamination, see the
procedure in Pyramid Probe Cores Off-line
Cleaning With Brush.
Is there any metal present on the probe tips?
Gold on probe tips used in applications for probing gold is acceptable as long as the metal isn’t loose.
Aluminum on probe tips used in applications for probing aluminum pads is acceptable as long as the
aluminum does not exceed 25% of the tip surface.
Are the probe tips textured?
Probe tips for gold pads do not need texture, but can have a textured tip surface.
Probe tips for probing all other metals must have texture on 25% of the tip surface.
Fiber on probe face,
not acceptable
Fiber on probe face,
not acceptable
Au on probe tip
surface, acceptable
Au on probe tip
surface, acceptable
Al on probe tip
surface, acceptable
Al on probe tip
surface, acceptable
Pyramid Probes: New Core Inspection