ARAG BRAVO130 User Manual
Page 30

1. ARAG s.r.l. guarantees this apparatus for a period of 360 day (1 year) from the date of sale
to the client user (date of the goods delivery note). The components of the apparatus, that
in the unappealable opinion of ARAG are faulty due to an original defect in the material or
production process, will be repaired or replaced free of charge at the nearest Assistance
Centre operating at the moment the request for intervention is made.
The following costs are excluded:
- disassembly and reassembly of the apparatus from the original system;
- transport of the apparatus to the Assistance Centre.
2. The following are not covered by the guarantee:
- damage caused by transport (scratches, dints and similar);
- damage due to incorrect installation or to faults originating from insufficient or inadequa-
te characteristics of the electrical system, or to alterations resulting from environmental,
climatic or other conditions;
- damage due to the use of unsuitable chemical products, for spraying, watering, weedkil-
ling or any other crop treatment, that may damage the apparatus;
- malfunctioning caused by negligence, mishandling, lack of know how, repairs or modifica-
tions carried out by unauthorised personnel;
- incorrect installation and regulation;
- damage or malfunction caused by the lack of ordinary maintenance, such as cleaning of
filters, nozzles, etc.;
- anything that can be considered to be normal wear and tear.
3. Repairing the apparatus will be carried out within time limits compatible with the organisa-
tional needs of the Assistance Centre.
No guarantee conditions will be recognised for those units or components that have not
been previously washed and cleaned to remove residue of the products used;
4. Repairs carried out under guarantee are guaranteed for one year (360 days) from the
replacement or repair date.
5. ARAG will not recognise any further expressed or intended guarantees, apart from those
listed here.
No representative or retailer is authorised to take on any other responsibility relative to
ARAG products.
The period of the guarantees recognised by law, including the commercial guarantees and
allowances for special purposes are limited, in length of time, to the validities given here. In
no case will ARAG recognise loss of profits, either direct, indirect, special or subsequent to
any damage.
6. The parts replaced under guarantee remain the property of ARAG.
7. All safety information present in the sales documents regarding limits in use, performance
and product characteristics must be transferred to the end user as a responsibility of the
8. Any controversy must be presented to the Reggio Emilia Law Court.