Server-side source code, Kdt750 apl guide – AML KDT750 Price Verification System User Manual

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KDT750 APL Guide

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Server-side Source Code

# Use threads and sockets

import socket

import thread

# Lookup thread function to be called when a client connects

def lookup_thread ( client_socket, address ):

# Read the request up to 512 bytes

data = client_socket.recv ( 512 )

# We don't care about which input device it came from for this example

data = data.lstrip( '\002' ) # Remove

data = data.rstrip( '\003' ) # Remove

device, barcode = data.split ( '=' ) # Split the parts

# Do database work

prc = do_database ( “SELECT Price FROM MyDatabase WHERE Barcode IS ” barcode )

des = do_database ( “SELECT Description FROM MyDatabase WHERE Barcode IS ”

barcode )

# Send “Unknown Item” on no record found

if prc == ''

reply = '\002' “FIELD1=Unknown Item” '\000'

"@FIELD1=125,145,510,250,219,255 '\003'

else :

reply = '\002' “PRC=” prc '\000' “DES=” des '\003'

# Send the reply and disconnect the client

client_socket.send ( reply )

client_socket.close ( )


# Create the INET streaming socket

server_socket = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )

# Bind to an unused TCP port - say 5000...

server_socket.bind ( ( "", 5000 ) )

# Allow 5 concurrent connections at a time

server_socket.listen ( 5 )

# Loop forever, handing new clients off to their own thread

while 1:

client_socket, address = server_socket.accept ( )

thread.start_new_thread ( lookup_thread, ( client_socket, address ) )