Packet format, General payload format, Kdt750 apl guide – AML KDT750 Price Verification System User Manual

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KDT750 APL Guide

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Packet Format

To use APL over a TCP socket, the following general packet format is used:

NOTE: All wireless SECURITY settings are configured in the wifi.conf file described in Chapter 5.

General Payload Format

The payload of an APL TCP packet consists of 'ITEM=VALUE' pairs in readable ASCII format.
Multiple pairs can be in any given payload with each pair being separated by an ASCII
0x00 (NULL) character. For example, in a server response where the ITEM element
corresponds to a text field name and the VALUE element gives the text to display, a pay-
load containing two fields, one named “PRC” with the data “9.99” and one named “DES”
with the data “Flower Pot”, would look like the following:

Note that this example is of a payload only and does not contain the packet start and stop