Page 33 – Epson 3 User Manual
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will be a 3/4” (9 x 1/12”) left margin established. If the
current ‘Default Pitch’ is set to ‘Proportional’, 10 characters per
inch pitch, is used for this calculation. Values that cause the
printable page width (the space left on the page by the
difference between left and right margins) of as little as
1/5”are allowed.
Text Line Spacing:
This setting is used to modify the amount of vertical space that is
used for each line of text. If you select ‘6 Lines/Inch’, lines of
text will be created every 1/6”. If you select ‘8 Lines/Inch’,
lines of text will be created every 1/8”. Since the “IBM
graphics characters” used to create boxes and lines are 0.12”
tall, when printing documents that contain these characters,
you will want to select “8 Lines/Inch (0.12”)” to assure that
the tops and bottoms of the graphics characters touch.
Default Font:
This command determines which of the two internal typefaces is
the default when printing ASCII text. From the factory, a Serif
font (similar to Courier) and a Sans Serif font (similar to Letter
Gothic) are supplied.
Default Pitch:
This command determines default horizontal size of characters
when printing ASCII text. Smaller characters (15 per inch)
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