Westermo RM-80 User Manual

Page 45

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This -t command is used to repeatedly ping the specified node in the network, to cancel
use “Ctrl – C”

A good test for the network once it is first set up is to use PING repeatedly from one
PC’s IP address to the other PC’s IP address. This gives a good example of the networks
reliability and how responsive it is from point to point. When you enter “Ctrl C” the pro-
gram reports a packet sent-received-lost percentage.


IPCONFIG can be used to show your current TCP/IP information, including your address,
DNS server addresses, adapter type and so on.

In the above example ipconfig was entered in the command prompt. The reply back shows
the PC’s IP address, Subnet mask and the gateway it is connected to.

Other ipconfig commands will return back more information. The hardware or MAC
address of the computer may be discovered using the command ipconfig /all.

Ipconfig /? will list all of the commands and their usages available for use.

4.4.3 ARP

Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP).

Once a remote computer has been pinged, this can be used to see the IP address & MAC
address of the remote computer. It will also show any other devices on the network that it
may be connected to.

The command used is Arp –a. It shows the PC’s direct IP address of as also
shown before with IPCONFIG command. The other IP address shown with its associated
MAC address is another device with a connection to the PC. In this example it is the IP
address of a PLC connected to the PC also.

Arp –n lists all the commands available for this function.

4.4.4 ROUTE

Route is used for the Router function. This is where you are joining 2 different networks
together via the RM-80 refer to Section 1.1

The RM-80 can only accept 1 Routing table. That is it can only accept one router per
network of radios. On the Router radio network PC a routing rule needs to entered
to allow access between Network A and Network B. This is entered in the command
prompt as per all other instruction

Route PRINT will show all active routes
on PC,

Route ADD will add a routing table to

route DELETE <destination netmask gate-
way interface>
will delete the unwanted routing table

route CHANGE modifies an existing route.



