5 discrete (digital) input/output – Westermo RM-80 User Manual
Page 15
2.5 Discrete (Digital) Input/Output
The RM-80 has one on-board discrete/digital I/O channel. This channel can act as either
a discrete input or discrete output. It can be monitored, or set remotely, or alternatively
used to output a communications alarm status.
If used as an “input”, the I/O channel is suitable for voltage free contacts (such as
mechanical switches) or NPN transistor devices (such as electronic proximity switches).
PNP transistor devices are not suitable. Contact wetting current of approximately 5mA
is provided to maintain reliable operation of driving relays.
The digital input is connected between the “DIO” terminal and common “COM”. The I/O
circuit includes a LED indicator which is lit when the digital input is active, that is, when
the input circuit is closed. Provided the resistance of the switching device is less than 200
ohms, the device will be able to activate the digital input.
The I/O channel may also be used as a discrete output. The digital outputs are transistor
switched DC signals, FET output to common rated at 30VDC 500 mA.
The output circuit is connected to the “DIO” terminal. The digital output circuit includes
a LED indicator which is lit when the digital output is active.
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