Mil-stanag code check – Wavecom W74PC V8.7.0 User Manual
Page 106

Analysis Tools
WAVECOM Decoder W74PC, W-PCI/e, W-CODE, W-CLOUD Manual V8.7.0
After each configuration change, the PSK code check automatically restarts with the new values. The val-
ues of these parameters are displayed in the appropriate fields after the setting has completed.
If two or more different systems are identified, or if more than five proven transmission errors occur, an
automatic switch to a mode will not take place.
The software then proceeds with code and system analysis. The incoming bit stream is tested and com-
pared against known PSK modes.
The name of each identified system is displayed in the output window. An identified system may be imme-
diately started by double-clicking the system in the output window – for instance double-clicking PSK-31
in the figure above will interrupt PSK code checking and immediately start PSK-31.
Hits-Checks shows how many times a mode was successfully identified during the code check. If multiple
modes are listed, the mode with most hits should be tried first.
Some modes are very difficult to distinguish, especially when the system is in idle mode.
The MIL/STANAG code check analysis tool is used to determine whether a signal is one of the following
MIL/STANAG and related transmission modes:
STANAG-4415 is a sub-mode of MIL-188-110A and is detected as this mode. STANAG-4481 is a sub-mode
of STANAG-4285 and is detected as this mode.
This analysis feature can be started from the HF-Modes | Analysis | MIL-STANAG Code Check menu,
from the Analysis Selector.
The center frequency can be set by the user. The default value for the code check is 1800 Hz, as shown in
the user interface. The center frequency of HF-ACARS (1440 Hz) can be selected from a list. After the cen-
ter frequency is set, the code check searches for the mode within a range of ± 100 Hz of the center fre-