1 testing, Opyright, Liability – Verilink 210 (34-00196) Product Manual User Manual
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Reorder # 34-00196
1st Edition, March 1995
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The controls, indicators and test features are identical for both units except for the front
panel ‘FAR’ indicator, which is found only on the 200 CSU. Each unit uses LED indi-
cators to convey major alarm conditions and looping status. Loops are initiated using
the network test switch.
The front panel test switch is used for local testing. When placed in the local loop
mode (LOOP), the unit loops the signal from the customer equipment (DTE IN) back
to the customer equipment (DTE OUT). It also loops the received signal from the T1
facility (NET IN) back to the T1 facility (NET OUT). When moved back to ‘NORM’,
the local loopback is removed.
The unit can also be looped remotely by generating towards it a standard CSU line
loopback code (00001 repeating for Š 5 seconds, framed or unframed). Once looped,
the received signal from the T1 facility (NET IN) is regenerated and transmitted back
to the T1 facility (NET OUT). The unit can be unlooped remotely by generating
towards it a standard CSU line unloop code (001 repeating for Š 5 seconds, framed or
DIP switch S1-6 configures the unit to either generate an unframed all ones (AIS) sig-
nal to the DTE or to pass the received data from the network to the DTE. The 200 unit
responds to the facility data link (FDL) loop (PLB, 0000111011111111) and unloop
command messages (0011100011111111).
Local Loopback
Remote Loopback