Installation – Verilink 2010 (34-00204) Product Manual User Manual
Page 8

2010 CSU
This chapter contains information and instructions required
to prepare the TxPORT 2010 ESF CSU for use. Included
are initial inspection procedures, mounting instructions,
configuration guidelines, connection instructions, and pow-
ering information.
NOTE: Throughout this manual, all factory default
settings will be underlined.
Safety Summary
This manual contains information and warnings which must
be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to
retain the equipment in a safe condition.
The WARNING sign denotes a hazard to the
operator. It calls attention to a procedure or practice
which, if not correctly performed or adhered to,
could result in injury or loss of life. Do not proceed
beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated condi-
tions are fully understood and met.
Unpacking and Inspection
This unit is carefully packaged to prevent damage in ship-
ment. Upon receipt, inspect the shipping container for dam-
age. If the shipping container or cushioning material is
damaged, notify the carrier immediately and make a nota-
tion on the delivery receipt that the container was damaged
(if possible, obtain the signature and name of the person
making delivery).
Retain the packaging material until the contents of the ship-
ment have been checked for completeness and the instru-
ment has been checked both mechanically and electrically.
If the contents of the shipment are incomplete or, if there is
mechanical damage or defect, notify TxPORT. If the ship-
ping container is also damaged, or the cushioning material
shows signs of stress, notify the carrier of the damage as
well as TxPORT. Keep the shipping materials for carrier’s
inspection. TxPORT will arrange for repair or replacement
without waiting for claim settlement.
Supplied Materials
The TxPORT 2010 CSU is shipped from the factory with
the 2010 CSU reference manual. The user may also require
the following additional materials for the installation and
operation of the 2010 CSU.
-48 VDC power source
Network and DTE interface cables
Bantam test cables
20-gauge stranded wire (or similar) for DC power
and alarm connection
The interface requirements of any application may be met
by using the appropriate cable. Standard cables and ordering
numbers are listed in
Table 1-1 on page 1-4
. Contact
TxPORT for any needed assistance in cable selection.
The TxPORT 2010 CSU is a modular unit that plugs into
either a single unit housing or into a chassis that holds up to
12 units. Single units are designed for stand-alone desktop
use, wall mounting, or chassis mounting (in either a vertical
or horizontal orientation). The unit uses an interchangeable
front panel to accommodate the chassis card cage.
Up to 12 units may be inserted into a chassis and the chassis
may be installed in a 19" or 23" rack using four screws.
Connections are made from the rear of the chassis.
Unit Configuration
The following sections describe the configuration of the
2010 CSU. The unit was designed to be operated from man-
ual switch control.
On power up, the unit is configured to the hardware settings
of the DIP configuration switches. Changes to these settings
will not take effect until the unit has been reset. This may be
accomplished either by removing and then reapplying power
or by quickly placing the test switch in the ‘Loop’ position
and then back to ‘Normal’.