Warning – Triplett 9045 User Manual

Page 27

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Triplett Model 9045

7.2.9 Measuring Temperature


Do not attempt to measure the temperature of any surface that is electrically

“live”. Failure to observe this precaution may result in injury to the user.

Do not apply voltage or current to the meter when the

FUNCTION switch is set to Remove the test leads from the input jacks of the meter. Set the FUNCTION switch to the

position. Using the SELECT

button, select the desired units of measurement (C or F). Plug the provided

thermocouple adaptor into the COM and

jacks. The nega-

tive side of the adapter (marked “-”) plugs into the COM jack. Plug the pro-
vided thermocouple lead into the adaptor, observing correct polarity (plus to
plus, minus to minus). Read the temperature on LCD display. Use the SELECT button to change
the units of measure ( C or F).

7.2.10 Measuring Frequency and Duty Cycle
Frequency and Duty Cycle can be measured in several different ways on the
Triplett 9045. The method chosen depends on the type of measurement
being made. For wideband low level measurements, such as measurements

in electronic circuitry, the

position on the FUNCTION switch works

best. For measurement at higher voltages, and lower frequencies (like 120

VAC /60Hz), the

mode works best. Low Level Measurements (several volts peak to peak up to

10MHz) are made by setting the FUNCTION switch to the

position. Connect the black test lead to the COM jack, and the red test lead to the
