The virtual front panel (vfp), Finalize unfinalize erase, 3 – basic principles – Teac DV-RA1000 User Manual

Page 17: 17 the virtual front panel (vfp)

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3 – Basic principles

TASCAM DV-RA1000 Owner’s Manual


The virtual front panel (VFP)

The DV-RA1000 allows access to many functions
through the virtual front panel, providing a graphical
representation of many of the keys and controls that
might be hardware switches on other units.

Note that many of these functions are hardware keys
on the remote control unit.

To launch the virtual front panel


From the home screen, press the



The virtual front panel appears.

There are two more “soft switches” to the
right of the initial screen. Keep pressing the


key to see these (go back to the original screen
using the





to exit the virtual front panel.

Use the arrow keys to move around the front panel,
and the




) key to turn the “soft switches” on

and off.

Some soft switches, when turned on, present a menu
of choices, but others just toggle between on and off.

The switches are grouped by function:

ARDY (auto-ready)

Is used to switch auto-ready

playback mode on and off. See “Auto ready” on
page 25.

ACUE (auto-cue)

Is used to cue up playback to

the first point on the track where the audio level goes
above a preset threshold. See “Auto cue” on page 24.

ASPC (auto-space)

Automatically puts spaces

between tracks on playback.

SNGL (single)

Enters single-track playback mode.

RPT (repeat)

Sets the playback repeat mode





(all tracks of the disc are

repeated) and


(the current track is repeated).

PGM (program)

Turns programmed playback on

and off, and allows setting of the programmed play-
back mode (“Programmed playback” on page 23).

ATRK (auto-track)

Turns the auto track function

on and off when recording (“Auto track increment”
on page 26

RMODE (recording mode)

Switches the PCM

DVD recording mode between “normal” and “assem-
ble” modes (see “Recording mode” on page 35).


Turns mono monitoring on and off.


Allows speed and pitch to be varied by ±6%

(see “Pitch change” on page 24).

NSD (noise-shaped dithering)

Allows dither-

ing to be turned on and off (only when recording
CDs) when reducing the bit length from 24 to 16 bits.
See “Dithering” on page 27.

OSC (oscillator)

Allows a line-up oscillator signal

to be output (“Monitoring” on page 26).


Finalizes CD-R and CD-RW discs, writ-

ing the TOC, and allowing them to be played on reg-
ular recorders (“Finalizing discs” on page 27).


Removes the TOC from CD-RW

discs, allowing further recording on them (“Unfinal-
izing discs” on page 28).


Erases a track or tracks from CD-RW discs,

allowing them to be used again.

Figure 3.6: Virtual front panel (i)

Figure 3.7: Virtual front panel (ii)