Features – TE Technology TC-24-10 User Manual
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TC‐24‐10 Temperature Controller
The TC‐24‐10 is a heat‐ or cool‐only temperature controller for thermoelectric (TE) devices. It can also be used with
resistive heaters. The basic components of the TC‐24‐10 are a microprocessor, a thermistor input, a power output
stage, and potentiometers located on the controller’s circuit board to adjust the temperature set point,
proportional bandwidth, and integral gain settings. While the TC‐24‐10 lacks some of the features found in our
more sophisticated controllers, such as having a display or being able to directly interface with a computer, its low
cost makes it ideal for projects that have limited budgets.
Mechanically, the controller’s printed circuit board is mounted to a metal bracket. It can be mounted either
horizontally or vertically. The controller can operate in ambient temperatures from 0 °C to 50 °C without generally
requiring additional heat sinking. The controller is intended to be used in locations where the controller can be
protected by a secondary enclosure or other means of protection.