Sundance SMT148FX User Manual
User manual for smt148fx, User manual, Dc and atx versions
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Related Documents
- 3 Acronyms, Abbreviations and Definitions
- 4 Functional Description
- 4.1 Block Diagram
- 4.1.1 Virtex 4 FX
- 4.1.2 Spartan 3
- 4.1.3 TIM Sites
- 4.1.4 10/100/1000 Ethernet Phy
- 4.1.5 LVDS Isolators
- 4.1.6 Firewire
- 4.1.7 USB2
- 4.1.8 RS232
- 4.1.9 Flash
- 4.1.10 RS485
- 4.1.11 SHB
- 4.1.12 LEDs
- 4.1.13 ZBT Memory
- 4.1.14 RSL
- 4.1.15 External ComPorts
- 4.1.16 Internal ComPorts
- 4.1.17 Power input (DC version)
- 4.1.18 Power input (ATX version)
- 4.1.19 Power output
- 4.1.20 JTAG
- 4.1.21 Local Clock for ADCs etc.
- 4.1.22 Fan Power
- 4.1.23 Reset Scheme
- 4.1.24 External FPGA Clock Input
- 4.1.25 FPGA (Virtex4 and Spartan) configuration
- 4.1 Block Diagram
- 5 Jumper Position/Function
- 6 Footprint
- 7 Virtex4 FPGA Pin Allocation
- 8 Virtex4 FPGA Bank Allocation
- 9 Programming the Cpld
- 10 Application to program the Flash
- 11 Accessing the Flash
- 12 Firmware for the Spartan.
- 13 RSL and Comport connections
- 14 Spartan firmware explanation
- 15 DIP Switches
- 16 Support Packages
- 17 Physical Properties
- 18 Thermal Management
- 19 Safety
- 20 EMC
- 21 Ordering Information