Smtopenboard, Smtcloseboard, Smtgetboardindex – Sundance SMT6025 v.2.9 User Manual
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Version 2.9
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SMT6025 User Manual
10.3 SmtOpenBoard
Obtain an interface to a Sundance carrier board.
IFHw * SmtOpenBoard( UINT nIndex );
The zero based index of the carrier board. nIndex should
be in the range 0 <= nIndex < GetBoardCount().
Return value
The return value is an interface of type IFHw that can be used to access the
carrier board. Refer to section 11 for a description of the functions provided
by this interface. NULL (0) is returned on error.
10.4 SmtCloseBoard
Close an interface to a board. You should not use the interface pointer any
more after calling SmtCloseBoard().
void SmtCloseBoard( UINT nBoard );
The index of the board that should be closed. nIndex
should be in the range 0 <= nIndex < GetBoardCount().
10.5 SmtGetBoardIndex
Find the zero based index for the board at the specified base address.
INT SmtGetBoardIndex( UINT nBaseAddress );
nBaseAddress The board base address. The base address is the PCI
address that the host operating system has assigned to
the carrier board.
Return value
The zero based index of the board at base address nBaseAddress.
The function returns –1 when no board is found.
User Manual (QCF42); Version 2.9, 22/02/02; © Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd. 2002