Pciwrite8, Pcivirtualaddr, Dsp interrupt – Sundance SMT6035 v.2.2 User Manual

Page 36: Dspattatchint, Memory allocation, 19 dsp interrupt

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Version 2.2

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SMT6035 User Manual

18.4 PciWrite8

Writes 8 bits to the PCI register specified.


void IFHw::PciWrite8( DWORD dwReg, BYTE cValue )

18.5 PciVirtualAddr

Returns the virtual memory address for the Base Address Region specified.


void IFHw::PciVirtualAddr( UINT nBar, void *&pVirtAddr )

19 DSP interrupt

The DSP (C40) interrupt is a mechanism that was inherited from a previous
generation of carrier boards and is still supported in the current generation.
The DSP interrupt allows the DSP to interrupt the host.
The DSP can generate a DSP interrupt to the host by toggling the IIOF1 line.
With SMT6035, you can attach an interrupt function to this event. Unlike
mailboxes, no data is transferred with this type of interrupt.
Please refer to the examples for the DSPInt interrupt example.

19.1 DspAttatchInt

Attaches a user-specified function that is to be called when a DSP interrupt


void IFHw::DspAttatchInt( PFN_DSP_INT pDSPIntFunc )



Pointer to the function that is to be called when the DSP
interrupt occurs.

20 Memory allocation

You can make minor improvements in the performance of the HSC by using
contiguous memory. The following functions make possible to allocate such

User Manual - Version 2.2, 04/01/07; © Sundance Italia S.R.L.