Studio Technologies 92 User Manual
Page 15

Model 92 User Guide
Issue 1, December 2006
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 15
testing. If no pin is detected as being con-
nected two dashes (- -) will display. Repeat
testing of the selected channel or pin will
take place every two seconds. The dis-
played results will refresh with each test
System Mode: Local
Cable Mode: FK37-M to XLR-F
When the cable mode is selected for
FK37-M to XLR-F the Model 92 is configured
to test DT12 “fanouts” that have an FK37
male on one end and twelve 3-pin female
XLR connectors on the other.
Begin testing by connecting the fanout’s
FK37 male connector to the female FK37
connector located on the right side of the
Model 92. Ensure that a solid connection is
made by “locking” the connectors together
using the threaded ring. Each fanout chan-
nel can now be individually tested. Start by
plugging the fanout’s female XLR connec-
tor associated with channel 1 into the male
XLR connector located on the left side of
the Model 92. Use the buttons adjacent to
the up and down arrows to select channel
1 for testing. The left two display digits will
indicate the selected channel. The right two
display digits will indicate the test result.
The result will either display an OK or one
or more of the nine error codes. OK indi-
cates that the connections associated with
channel 1 are correct. If the E1 error code is
displayed, be certain to use the channel
select buttons to manually “step through”
all channels looking for an OK result. This
will identify whether the fanout’s XLR con-
nector has been labeled with the incorrect
channel number. After channel 1 has been
tested remove its associated female XLR
connector from the Model 92 and in its
place connect the connector associated
with channel 2. Use the manual channel
select buttons to select channel 2 for test-
ing. Repeat this process for all twelve of
the fanout’s channels.
Note that in the FK37-M to XLR-F cable
mode only channel mode is available. In
addition, the auto test and continuous auto
test sequences are not available. Also, the
Model 92 doesn’t directly support fanouts
that contain a mixture of female and male
XLR connectors. In this case the use of
gender changers or “turn arounds” is
System Mode: Local
Cable Mode: FK37-F to XLR-M
When the cable mode is selected for
FK37-F to XLR-M the Model 92 is configured
to test DT12 “fanouts” that have an FK37
female on one end and twelve 3-pin male
XLR connectors on the other.
Begin testing by connecting the fanout’s
FK37 female connector to the male FK37
connector located on the left side of the
Model 92. Ensure that the connection is
made solidly by “locking” the connectors
together using the threaded ring. Each
fanout channel can now be individually
tested. Start by plugging the fanout’s male
XLR connector associated with channel 1
into the female XLR connector located on
the right side of the Model 92. Use the but-
tons adjacent to the up and down arrows to
select channel 1 for testing. The left two dis-
play digits will indicate the selected chan-
nel. The right two display digits will indicate
the test result. The result will either display
an OK or one or more of the nine error
codes. OK indicates that the connections
associated with channel 1 are correct. If the
E1 error code is displayed, be certain to
use the channel select buttons to manually
“step through” all channels looking for an