Headphone output mode, Operating modes – Studio Technologies 212 2013 User Manual

Page 19

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Model 212 User Guide

Issue 5, May 2013

Studio Technologies, Inc.

Page 19

In some cases a user may wish to wear a

headset or a pair of headphones in a left/

right orientation opposite of what’s usual.

In this situation the transducer designated

for the left ear would actually supply au-

dio to the user’s right ear, and vice versa.

A specific application where this can oc-

cur is when on-air talent needs to have a

headset’s boom microphone come across

the right side of their face, rather than the

more-typical left side. In this case it’s im-

portant to select the left- and right-channel

headphone source assignment accord-

ingly. With the Model 212’s flexible source

selection there’s no reason why users,

such as on-air talent, shouldn’t have their

cue sources assigned correctly.
There may be cases where a monaural

“single-muff” headset or headphone will

be connected to the Model 212’s head-

phone output. In this case the desired cue

source(s) should be routed only to the left

channel. No sources should be assigned

to the right channel. This will eliminate the

short-circuit current that could occur when

a 2-conductor (monaural) plug is mated

with the Model 212’s 3-conductor (stereo)

headphone output jack.

Headphone Output Mode

Switch SW1-6 allows a monaural head-

phone output to be created. This is accom-

plished by summing (adding) the selected

left- and right-channel cue signals. The

combined signals are sent to both the left-

and right-channel headphone output driver

circuits. The outputs of these circuits con-

nect, by way of 100 ohm series protection

resistors, to the headphone output jack.
The headphone output monaural mode fea-

ture was specifically included so that a spe-

cial “2-channel headphone mix” mode can

be created. By enabling the mono mode,

the two front-panel user level controls

(“pots”) can be used to create the desired

“mix” of signals being sent to the head-

phone output. Many applications, especially

in production settings, can benefit from this

capability. The desired cue sources must

be carefully assigned to take advantage of

the monaural mode. The first cue source

should be assigned, using the DIP switch-

es, to the left channel. Its output level will

be adjusted by the left control. The second

cue source should be assigned to the right

channel. Its output level will be adjusted by

the right control.
There is one limitation related to the head-

phone mono output mode. It’s the fact

that the output will be 2-channel mon-

aural. Whatever signal is present on the

headphone output’s left channel will also

be present on the right channel. A stereo

headphone mix can’t be created. But in

most cases this limitation won’t overshadow

the benefit of being able to create the mix.

For signal-flow clarification please review

the block diagram located at the end of this

user guide.

Operating Modes

The twelve switches associated with switch

assembly SW3 are used to configure the

Model 212’s operating modes. Technically,

these switches “talk” to the micro-controller

integrated circuit and associated software

that give the Model 212 its “smarts.” The

software has been carefully designed to

Figure 8. Headphone output mode settings