Spohn K6462 User Manual
Spohn performance, inc

Spohn Performance, Inc.
494 E Lincoln Ave Myerstown, PA 17067
1-888-365-6064 www.spohn.net
By their very nature, competition components are constantly pushed to their limits. While our components are
designed to withstand intense race conditions, it is impossible to control the quality of installation or the varying
conditions in which they are used. It is for this reason that absolutely no warranty or guarantee is either written or
implied. Neither the seller or the manufacturer will be liable for any loss, damage, or injury – direct or indirect –
arising from the use of or inability to determine the use of any product. Before using, the user should determine
the suitability of the product for its intended use, and the user shall assume all responsibility in connection
therewith. Spohn Performance, Inc. makes no guarantee as to the legality for any specific class. Spohn
Performance, Inc. makes no claims, nor does it intend its products to be used in street driven vehicles. Spohn
Performance, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in design or add to or improve on their product without
incurring any obligation to install the same on product previously manufactured. The Buyer agrees to indemnify
and hold Spohn Performance, Inc. harmless from any claim, action or demand arising out of or incident to the
Buyer’s installation or use of products purchased from Spohn Performance, Inc.
Upper Ball Joint Instructions – Part # K6462
NOTE: Also see diagrams and instructions shown on Page 2
1. Raise and suitably support vehicle at recommended lift points.
2. Remove wheel and tire assembly.
3. Support lower a-arm with a floor jack positioned under the shock absorber to hold
spring and control arm assemblies in position.
4. Loosen upper ball joint’s slotted nut and break taper loose from spindle.
5. With upper a-arm in an upward position, use a 1/8” drill bit and drill into the ball
joint retaining rivets ¼” deep.
6. Remove the remainder of the rivet using a ½” drill bit and/or a chisel. Caution: Do
not use a torch to remove rivets, excessive heat will damage the upper a-arm!
7. Use a punch to drive the rivets out of the upper a-arm. Remove old ball joint.
8. Insert new ball joint “A” into upper a-arm “B” from the top.
9. Install dust boot “D” into boot retainer “E” and position over the ball joint stud onto
underside of the upper a-arm. Position the boot so the grease escapement slot faces
away from the wheel.
10. Secure the ball joint to the upper a-arm using the supplied bolts and lock nuts “C”.
Torque nuts to 14 foot pounds.
11. Insert ball joint stud into the spindle and install supplied new slotted nut “F”. Torque
nut to 39 foot pounds. Tighten nut to next available slot if necessary to align with
hole in stud, lock with cotter pin. Never back off nut to align cotter pin!
12. Install grease fitting and lubricate ball joint with a good grade of chassis grease.
13. Remove steering knuckle support and floor jack from under the lower a-arm.
14. Install tire and wheel assemblies and torque lug nuts to 100 foot pounds.
15. Lower vehicle and check and adjust alignment as necessary.