Spohn D94-99-DFSK1 User Manual
Spohn performance, inc

Spohn Performance, Inc.
494 E Lincoln Ave Myerstown, PA 17067
1-888-365-6064 www.spohn.net
Part# D94-99-DFSK1 – Dual Front Shock Mounting Kit
1994-1999 Dodge Ram 4x4 1500, 2500 & 3500 | Stock Ride Height
By their very nature, competition components are constantly pushed to their limits. While our components are designed to
withstand intense race conditions, it is impossible to control the quality of installation or the varying conditions in which
they are used. It is for this reason that absolutely no warranty or guarantee is either written or implied. Neither the seller
nor the manufacturer will be liable for any loss, damage, or injury – direct or indirect – arising from the use of or inability
to determine the use of any product. Before using, the user should determine the suitability of the product for its intended
use, and the user shall assume all responsibility in connection therewith. Spohn Performance, Inc. makes no guarantee as
to the legality for any specific class. Spohn Performance, Inc. makes no claims, nor does it intend its products to be used
in street driven vehicles. Spohn Performance, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in design or add to or improve on
their product without incurring any obligation to install the same on product previously manufactured. The Buyer agrees to
indemnify and hold Spohn Performance, Inc. harmless from any claim, action or demand arising out of or incident to the
Buyer’s installation or use of products purchased from Spohn Performance, Inc.
1. Block the rear tires of the vehicle so that the vehicle is stable and can’t roll.
Locate the driver's side lower shock mount and (2) 5/16” x 1” bolts, (2) 5/16” lock nuts and (4)
5/16” flat washers. Remove the front upper control arm's front mounting bolt. Install the driver side
lower shock mount on the outside of the upper control arm mounting bracket. You may need to bend
the brake line for proper clearance. Secure the lower hole in the shock bracket to the stock front
upper control arm mount using (1) 5/16” x 1” bolt, (1) 5/16” lock nut and (2) 5/16” flat washers
(hole provided, do not tighten at this point). There is a hole provided to fit the upper bolt in the new
shock bracket, in some cases this hole needs to be enlarged. If this is the case use the bracket as a
guide and drill a 5/16” hole into the stock front upper bracket. Secure upper hole in shock bracket to
stock upper control arm mount using (1) 5/16” x 1” bolt, (1) 5/16” lock nut and (2) 5/16” flat
washers (do not tighten at this point). Repeat procedure on the passenger's side. (See Illustration
Working on the driver's side install the supplied 12mm x 100mm front upper control arm's mounting
bolt, flat washer and flanged lock nut. When installing the front bolt, the front bolt will now also go
through the new lower shock mount (do not tighten at this point). Repeat procedure on passenger's
side. (See Illustration #2)
Working on the driver's side, locate the supplied universal 9/16” shock bolt (that came with our kit)
and install it to the newly installed lower dual shock bracket, torque to 90 ft./lbs. Repeat procedure
on passenger's side. (See Illustration #3)
5. Working on the driver's side. Place a jack under the front axle. Disconnect the front sway bar end
link. Disconnect the top of the shock from the stock upper shock mount. Remove the stock upper
shock mount.
Lower the jack and decompress the shock until the shock and spring swing clear of the stock upper
spring seat (See Picture 1). Remove the stock upper spring's rubber isolator. Remove the stock
upper shock mount's lower retainer plate.
You will need to round off the corners of one ear on the stock upper shock mount so it clears the
welds inside of our upper dual shock mount (See Pictures 2-3). Install the supplied upper shock
mount retainer plate. Place the stock upper spring rubber isolator inside the upper spring seat (make
sure it's clocked correctly). Swing the spring back in place and jack the front axle up to re-seat the
Install the new upper dual shock bracket. Extend the shock all the way up by hand. Install upper dual
shock bracket between the stock upper coil spring pocket and the stock upper shock mounting
bracket. Tighten the supplied 3/8” flanged lock nuts to 32 ft./lbs. Repeat procedure on the
passenger's side. (See Illustration #4)