Spohn 921 User Manual
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8. With both end links installed and tightened, you can now fully tighten the lock nuts on the u-bolts. Do
not over tighten the u-bolts or the bar will not rotate properly. You should be able to rotate the bar by
hand with force.
9. Jack the car up and remove the jack stands, place vehicle back on the ground.
10. Now we’re going to adjust the sway bar and set it with the proper pre-load. Place the jack under the
front of the car, make sure the jack is perfectly centered on the front crossmember. Jack the front of the
car in the air until the front tires are BARELY off of the ground, stop there.
11. Check your rear tire pressures and make sure you have the exact same pressure in both rear tires.
Set your rear tire pressure to whatever psi you run them at when racing at the track.
12. Whoever will be driving this vehicle now needs to sit in the driver’s seat of the car, shut the driver’s
door. (Simulate driving the car).
13. Measure from the lower rear corner of both the driver’s and passenger’s side door jam to the ground
(car should be on a level surface, ie. cement). We’re looking to have the driver’s side 1/16” lower then the
passenger’s side.
14. Adjust the passenger’s side end link (by lengthening or shortening) until you achieve the above
setting. Tighten the jam nuts and re-check your dimensions. Once you have the adjustment properly set,
tighten all four jam nuts on both end links. Note: We recommend using removable strength Loctite on the
threads to keep the jam nuts tight on a street driven car.
15. With this sway bar set up, if you were previously running an air bag in your spring, remove it. You
also want to run the same rear spring rate on both sides of the car.
Important: While we have designed this kit to allow you to fully install it as a bolt in assembly, we highly
recommend that you have the upper end link mounts welded to the rear sub-frames. We designed the kit
to bolt in for two reasons, so you know where to properly locate the components, and so you can do the
complete installation yourself, and then drive the car to a shop and just have them do the welding. We
also recommend putting a small weld on the top of the u- bolts to the housing to prevent the possibility of
them turning under load.
Tech Note: Our sway bar is 37.50” wide. The factory rear is 38.75” from the inside of the shock mount to
the inside of the shock mount. That gives 5/8” clearance between the sway bar and the shock mount. If
you have an aftermarket rear end and you do not have shock mount clearance please talk to the rear end
manufacturer as their rear should be built to factory dimensions!
**** Enjoy your straight launches and down track stability!! ****