Miscellaneous features, Analog mode – SoundTraxx SoundCar Users Guide User Manual

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Tsunami SoundCar User’s Guide

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Analog Mode

While the SoundCar is first and foremost a DCC decoder, it may be used on

a DC‑powered layout with certain limitations by enabling the analog mode

feature using the following CVs:

CV 12, Power Source Conversion

CV 29, Configuration Register 1

First, set CV 12 to 1 to enable analog mode, and then set bit 3 of CV 29 to

enable an alternate power source. Be sure to also set CV 29 for any other

desired parameters, such as the address range as discussed earlier in this

manual in “Step 2: Configuring the Decoder.”

Analog Mode Operation

When analog mode is enabled, you may control the SoundCar using an

ordinary powerpack, although operation will be a little different than when

running non‑decoder equipped units.

With the powerpack’s throttle set to 0, the SoundCar will be silent, as it has

no power. The throttle must be turned up to approximately 5 volts to provide

sufficient voltage to power‑up SoundCar’s internal circuitry. Increase the

throttle to around 7.5 volts and the SoundCar will be ready to roll.

When operating in analog mode, be careful not to exceed the SoundCar’s

input voltage rating of 27 volts. When your track exceeds 21 volts, the

SoundCar will automatically shut down and begin flashing Error Code 10 on

the lighting outputs (if connected). If you experience this, back down on the

throttle immediately.

Important: The SoundCar will work best in analog mode when using

a high‑quality, electronically regulated powerpack, preferably one that

supplies smooth, filtered DC power. Older rheostat‑style powerpacks and

pulse powerpacks will result in erratic and unreliable operation and are not

recommended for use with Tsunami DSDs. If your powerpack has a pulse

power switch, leave it in the OFF position.

Analog Mode Options

Along with CVs 12 and 29, the following two CVs control analog mode


CV 13, Analog Function Enable 1

CV 14, Analog Function Enable 2

These CVs allow you to force a function input to the ON state whenever

the SoundCar switches over to analog mode. This is most useful for turning

on lighting effects when running on a DC‑powered layout. Sound functions

may be turned on in analog mode as well, but this is less useful as they will

either run continuously or sound just once when the decoder is powered up.

Instead, use automatic sound functions (CV 197) to generate sound effects in

analog mode, as discussed earlier in this section.

Miscellaneous Features