Basic programming – SoundTraxx SoundCar Users Guide User Manual
Page 22

Tsunami SoundCar User’s Guide
Page 18
Type I and Type II ditch lights – These operate identically. However, if
Grade Crossing Logic is enabled, the Type I ditch light will revert to a
steady “on” state when it is not flashing, whereas the Type II lights will
turn off.
Flashing rear‑end device (FRED) – Also known as an end‑of‑train
device, this red flashing marker light is mounted on the coupler of the
rear car or on the back of the caboose to warn following trains.
Exhaust flicker – This effect produces a random flicker with an intensity
that increases with the train’s speed. Use this effect in power generator
Firebox flicker – This effect produces a random flicker that resembles
a burning fire and can be used by placing a lamp in the caboose to
simulate a wood‑burning stove. The effect is improved when two bulbs
are used (one yellow and the other red or orange), each connected to a
separate function output.
Dyno‑light – This effect for steam locomotives synchronizes the lamp
brightness to the output of the dynamo so that the lamp brightness
gradually increases as the dynamo builds up speed. For diesel
locomotives, the lights will fade on and fade off to simulate the heating
and cooling of the bulb filaments.
Phase Select – Phase select alters the timing of an effect so that it is 180
degrees out‑of‑phase with other effects. This allows you to have two lighting
effects that blink back and forth by setting one effect to Phase A and the other
to Phase B.
Grade Crossing Logic – When Grade Crossing Logic is enabled, it causes
a selected lighting effect to become active only when the horn/whistle is
sounded (and the corresponding lighting function is also on). This can be
used to re‑create prototypical scenarios such as causing the ditch lights to
flash at a grade crossing. Grade Crossing Logic can be used with nearly
all of the Hyperlight effects without adversely affecting the on/off, dimmable
headlight, Dyno‑light, FRED, exhaust flicker, or firebox flicker effects. Other
effects will either turn off (e.g., strobes and beacons) or revert to a steady
“on” state (e.g., Mars Light, ditch lights, etc.) as appropriate to prototypical
Rule 17 Headlight Operation – This converts the headlight and backup
light to independent, non‑directional lights. When Rule 17 Mode is active, the
headlight is controlled as if it is FX5 and the backup light is controlled as if it
is FX6.
LED Compensation Mode – The SoundCar’s lighting effects are designed
to work with either LEDs or incandescent bulbs. However, because of the
different brightness characteristics of the two bulb types, some lighting
effects may appear less realistic when set up with an LED. You can enable
LED Compensation Mode to correct this, which will improve the contrast
of the lighting effect by automatically adjusting the function output level to
compensate for the brightness of LED bulbs.
Basic Programming