SONOSAX SX-M32 User Manual
Page 16

User manual SONOSAX SX-M32
Page 16 of 25
This section groups all functionalities related to the main outputs (Master) such as the summing amplifiers, the
output Limiters, the reference tone and the Slate microphone as well as the Monitoring which groups the monitor
selector, the headphone level and the main peak-meters.
5.1.1 Summing amplifiers [Master]
The summing amplifiers are mixing the modulation coming from the three input channels, from the [BUS IN] input
and from the [RETURN] input if its switch is set to [TO MIX].
Given its small size and the fact that it has only three inputs channels, the SONOSAX SX-M32 mixer does not
have any fader to control the level on the Main outputs. The output level is controlled solely by the mixing level on
the input channels.
The Left and Right mix busses are then sent to the main outs on the XLR's, to the Sub-Out and the Mono-Out and
also to the A/D Converter. Where appropriate the main are also sent to the connector [OPTION].
5.1.2 Limiters [ LINK OFF ON ]
The Masters of the SX-M32 are each fitted with a high quality Limiter, located before the analogue outputs and
before the A/D converter. The Limiters are acting independently but they can be linked to keep the balance of a
stereo mix. The threshold of the main Limiter is set at factory either at nominal line level or alternatively 3 dB below
the clipping level of the A/D Converter ( at -3dBFS ). On demand, the threshold can be adjusted at a different
Position LINK:
both Limiters are engaged and linked together (stereo mode).
Position OFF:
both Limiters are disengaged.
Position ON:
both Limiters are engaged but are acting independently
When using the Limiter in a stereo mix, make sure that you set the switch to the [LINK] position to
keep the stereo balance of your mix.
5.1.3 Ref Tone and Slate Mic [ MIC OFF OSC ]
The SONOSAX SX-M32 is equipped with a Slate microphone, located in the upper right corner on the front panel,
and also provide with a reference tone generator. This 3 positions switch lets choose which if these two sources
will be fed to the mix L & R busses as follow:
Position MIC:
the Slate microphone is sent to the L & R mix busses
Position OFF:
both the Slate mic and the Reference tone generator are turned Off.
Position OSC:
the reference tone generator sends a 1kHz sine wave to the L & R mix busses at
nominal line level. This Ref Tone is generally used for level calibration of for test
The nominal line level at the output is either +6dBu or +4dBu ( must be specified at the order)
At nominal line level the peak-meters indicate 0dB.