Skutt EnviroVent User Manual
Page 11

1. Smell or odor
coming from kiln
leaking between
blower and outside ducting
too many holes and leaks in
upper part of kiln
fumes discharged outdoors are
coming back into room
kiln not venting
seal all leaks around duct connections or
seams and blower box with silicone
sealant or duct tape
plug or repair all cracks in kiln and plug
smallest lid hole-test fire
locate make-up air source further from
discharge exit or raise or extend exit
vent or open ventilation port cover wider
see Section 2
2 Kiln not venting
shelf placed directly on kiln
floor without posts
lid holes drilled above kiln walls
floor holes not within 4 1/2”
plenum opening
kiln moved so floor holes
blocked below by plenum
exit ducting blocked, kinked or
flapper on dryer vent not
exit ducting has too many bends
or is too long
support first shelf with posts at least 1”
tall to permit circulation
drill correct holes above firing chamber
drill correct holes above plenum
entrance, plug incorrect holes
move kiln floor or assembly so holes are
open, straighten or repair exit ducting
replace flapper with easier operating one
reduce the number of bends and the duct
length-avoid 90
3 Kiln slow to reach
too many holes or air leaks
heating elements have aged or
other factors are affecting kiln
not related to EnviroVent
plug or repair cracks in the kiln, plug
smallest hole, lid and floor, test fire
check heating elements and if necessary
have kiln repair person check kiln