O": output status inquiry – Sierra Video RTR-804 User Manual
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in different orders. Each command string contains the output number and either a level number or
data for all levels, so the order in which the status data is sent is not really important.
For example, the SVS Tahoe Series routers first send one or more commands that give the
status for all levels of output 1, then send commands giving status for all levels of output 2, etc.
Other routers may send commands in a different order: first for all outputs of level 1, then for all
outputs of level 2, etc.
The "Y", "V", and "X" commands are formatted exactly as with the "O" command.
Refer to the "O" command description for information about whether the router sends status using
only "X" commands, or "Y", "V", and "X" commands.
A 2-level 16-output router could generate as many as 2 x 16 = 32 "X" commands of status output.
For example, the command:
might have the following four "X" commands at the beginning of its Response:
** X1,23,1 X1,3,2 X2,-,1 X2,0,2
This indicates that output 1 is connected to input 23 on level 1, output 1 is connected to input 3 on
level 2, output 2 is unconnected on level 1 (as indicated by the dash for the input number), and
output 2 either does not exist or is not available on level 2 or its connection is unknown (as
indicated by the zero input number).
Or, the router might instead use the V command. For example:
** V1,23,3 V2,-,0
Indicating the same as the previous example.
If the router has only one level, or if all levels are connected the same, it might instead use the Y
command. For example:
** Y1,23 Y2,-
This indicates that output 1 is connected to input 23 and output 2 is unconnected.
Routers that are unmapped port units will produce symmetrical status output, i.e. if there is a
Y01,23 command, there will also be a Y23,01 command.
"O": Output Status Inquiry
From Syntax
Host O
Ask router to send source status for all levels
of specified output.
Router Y out,in or V out,in,in... or X out,in,lvl Source status of the specified output.