OWON HDS1021M User Manual
Page 60

OWON HDS1021M Handheld DSO & DMM 10-Appendix
Analog digital converter(A/D)
the resolution of 8 bits
Sensitivity range (V/div) 5mV/div~5V/div(at the input BNC)
Displacement range
10div(5mV/div~2V/div), ±6div(5V/div)
Analog bandwidth
Single bandwidth
Full bandwidth
Low frequency response ( AD
coupling, -3dB)
5Hz(at the BNC )
Rise time(typical one at the BNC) ≤17.5ns
DC gain accuracy
DC measurement accuracy(average
value sampling mode)
The voltage difference (△V) between any two points on
the waveform after averaging the captured waveforms
more than16: ±(5% reading + 0.05 divisions).
Trigger sensitivity (Edge
Ajustable:0.2~1div(DC ~ full bandwidth)
Triggering lever range
4 divisions from the screen center
Triggering level accuracy
(typical) which is applicable
to the signal with rise and
fall time equal to or longer
than 20ns
0.3 divisions
Trigger displacement
655 divisions for pre-triggering and 4 divisions for post- triggering
Trigger Holdoff range
Make a 50% level setting
Operation with the input signal frequency equal to or larger than
Trigger sensitivity (Video
triggering and typical mode)
2 divisions of peak-to-peak value
Signal system and line/field
frequency (Video triggering
Support the NTSC, PAL and SECAM broadcasting systems of any
field or line frequency.
Readout resolution
6 digits
Frequency range
AC coupling,
2Hz to full bandwidth
Cursor measurement
Voltage difference (△V) and time difference (△T) between cursors
Auto measurement
Peak-to-peak value, average value, root mean square value, frequency ,
period , Vmax, Vmin , Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot,
RiseTime, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty.