9 cleaning and disinfection method statement, Cleaning and disinfection method statement – Nortec ME Direct Feed User Manual
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32 Maintenance
Cleaning and Disinfection Method Statement
Step 1 - Refer to the Risk Assessment
• Refer to the Manufacturers instructions and safety advice.
• Ensure the area is well ventilated.
• Ensure the Nortec
system is OFF and isolated from external controls.
• If the unit is already in operation there is low risks, check for correct operation before cleaning
and dismantling.
Note: if there are concerns over condition of unit, drain unit, flush water supply, and disinfect
tank before starting cleaning work.
• Drain system, dismantle unit and scrub tank fully. For complete disinfection remove droplet separa-
tor banks (if applicable) and the evaporative cassettes to allow a full clean (refer to maintenance
• Consider appropriate maintenance requirements at this time including parts replacement i.e.
replacing distribution hoses to ensure that these are also disinfected.
Step 2 - Mix Disinfection Solution
• Prepare a vessel into whom the evaporative cassettes and droplet separator banks can be placed
for disinfection
• Mix disinfection solution following the manufacturers instructions and in the required amount.
Note: Solution loses strength over time and the solution may need to be increased through the
process or the disinfection process may need to be repeated.
Step 3 - Disinfection
• Place evaporative cassettes and droplet separator banks into the vessel with the disinfection
solution and leave them in the solution for the correct amount of time.
• Note the strengths of the disinfection solution at 15 minute intervals and adjust solution strength
as required.
• Wash tank, tank frame and AHU section with a cloth soaked with disinfection solution.
• After disinfection rinse all parts thoroughly with wholesome water to remove any disinfection
chemicals. Then, dry or let dry all components.
Step 4 - Neutralise the disinfection solution – if required based on chemical used
If a neutralising solution is required, always ensure that the neutralising solution is used in accord-
ance with the manufacturer’s guidance. Failure to follow the manufacturer’s guidance with regard
to neutralising the disinfection chemical may present a risk to health.
• Mix neutralising agent as per manufacturers instructions.
• Measure the strength as per MSDS until the disinfection solution is down to desired strength.
Step 5 - Drain neutralised disinfection solution
• Drain neutralised disinfection solution into appropriate drain (depending on Risk Assessment) .
• Always leave work area clean, dry and tidy.
Step 6 - Re-assemble evaporative module and Re-start the Nortec
• Re-assemble evaporative module and restart ME system. Refer to the corresponding section.
If in doubt always contact your Nortec distributor.