Manual make-up gain, Compressor character, Manual make-up gain compressor character – Metric Halo ChannelStrip 2 User Manual
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ChannelStrip User Guide
the knob will go up to + 30 dB. This is an internal limitation
of the compressor.
The “O Gain” knob allows you to manually adjust the
makeup gain applied to the signal after the gain reduction
applied by the compressor. If the Auto Gain switch is off, this
is the amount of makeup gain applied. If the Auto Gain
switch is on, then this parameter is a trim added to the inter-
nally computed makeup gain. The makeup gain is enabled
and disabled along with the rest of the compressor.
Use the compressor character button to determine the over-
all dynamic characteristics of the compressor. There are three
settings to choose from:
Smooth – appropriate for full mixes or single instruments
that do not have big transients. Provides very smooth com-
pression with few artifacts, no distortion and limit transient
Warm – the most versatile setting for the compressor. Bal-
ances transient control with audibility of the compression.
Appropriate for a wide range of signals including harmonic
instruments with large transients (e.g. Plucked bass).
Fast – provides significant transient control at the expense
of transparency and added distortion. Appropriate for
impulsive signals with significant transients. Supports very
fast (e.g. 1 sample) gain reduction attacks.
The effect of the compressor character is very audible! This is
not a switch that you will press and then say, “Ok, so how
did it change?” In order to make the state of the compressor
visible at a glance, the trace color of the compressor’s knee