Audio dynamics – Metric Halo ChannelStrip 2 User Manual

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ChannelStrip User Guide


You can enable the sidechain filter with the green enable

After the sidechain signal has been processed by the

sidechain filter it is measured by a level detector that deter-
mines the instantaneous level of the signal (in the case that

ChannelStrip is running in stereo mode the detector is linked

with the other channel in the stereo pair and the higher level

of the two channels is used). The measurement made by the

level detector is indicated by the orange triangle in the com-
pressor input meter. The channel signal is delayed by 8 sam-
ples relative to the detector signal to allow the compressor to

have an instantaneous attack when the “Attack” parameter is

set to 0.
When the compressor is enabled using the orange “Comp

Enable” button the signal will be attenuated based on how

much the detected level is above the threshold you set with

the “Thres” knob and what compression ratio is set with the

“Ratio” knob.
The dynamic behavior of the opening and closing of the gate

is controlled with the “Attack” and “Release” knobs and the

compressor character switch.





Compressors are important in controlling the dynamic range

of the source material you are working with. While the

instruments, your ears, the microphones and your digital

audio workstation all have dynamic ranges that are greater

than 100 dB, most reproduction and delivery media have

significantly reduced dynamic ranges. Compression is used,

in its simplest form, to help reduce the dynamic range of