The serial rs232 ports, Analog output, Serial reset command – Meinberg FDM509 User Manual

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The serial RS232 ports

Baudrate and framing of the serial port COM0 can be configured using the DIL-
switches SW5 and SW6:

DIL-SW5 (Baudrate)

OFF: 19200 baud

ON: 9600 baud

DIL-SW6 (Framing)

OFF: 8N1

ON: 7E2

COM1 RxD is used to read in the time string of the reference. This serial port is fixed
configured to 19200 baud, 8N1. The connected reference must be configured appro-
priate and send the time string once per second. The TxD line of COM1 is sending the
long output string once per second. It can be used to connect a display, for example.

Analog Output

FDM509 provides two analog outputs for longtime-recording. These outputs have a
range of -2.5V ... +2.5V, divided in 65536 steps. Either the frequency deviation or the
time deviation can be selected for monitoring via one of these analog outputs. The full
scale range of the analog outputs can be set either to 500mHz or to 5Hz (i.e. 0,2mHz/
mV or 2mHz/mV) when the frequency deviation is selected, or, if the time deviation is
selected, to 10s or to 100s (i.e. 4ms/mV or 40ms/mV). Configuration regarding the
analog outputs occurs via the DIL-switches SW7 to SW10:

DIL-SW7 (source for A1)

OFF: frequency deviation

ON: time deviation

DIL-SW8 (full scale range A1) OFF: 5Hz/ 100s

ON: 500mHz/10s

DIL-SW9 (source for A2)

OFF: frequency deviation

ON: time deviation

DIL-SW10 (full scale range A2) OFF: 5Hz/100s

ON: 500mHz/10s

Serial Reset Command

The FDM509 can be reseted to its start values by a serial command. Sending the
character 'R' (ASCII code 52h) via the serial port COM0 causes a reset that has the
same effect than powering up the system or pressing the Reset button (refer to chapter
"Push Button Reset").